Zákon č. 210/2020 Sb., o některých opatřeních ke zmírnění dopadů epidemie koronaviru SARS CoV-2 na nájemce prostor sloužících podnikání, umožnil nájemcům odložit platbu nájemného, aniž by jim hrozila výpověď z …
In relation with the implementation of the 5th AML directive, the Chamber of Deputies will deliberate a proposal of the Act on The Registration of Beneficial Owners (hereinafter referred to as the “Proposal"), it assumes its legal effects on the 1st December 2020. The Proposal provides the following changes. Definition of beneficial ...
On 20 February 2019 a draft of an amendment to the Civil Code was submitted to the Chamber of Deputies. The amendment should simplify and refine some of the issues associated with apartment co-ownership. One of the most significant changes ...